Prof. Lucio Blandini
Benedikt Strahm, M.Sc.
Bernd Köhler
Weekday & Time:
Wednesdays 14:00 Uhr – 15:30 Uhr
Seminar Master: Module Number: 103340, Exam Number: 103341
Teaching Content:
Skyscrapers not only stand for outstanding engineering, but are also considered an accolade among architects. They have long adorned and characterised the silhouettes of a wide variety of cities around the world. Particularly against the background of increasingly scarce free space in cities, high-rise buildings with their narrow footprint form an attractive urban design element.
In this seminar, various speakers from practice and research will teach the basics of designing high-rise buildings. Seminar participants will gain knowledge not only in the field of architecture (design principles, digital design methods, sustainability, façade design and floor plan development), but also in the field of civil engineering through lectures on load-bearing systems, structural dynamics and wind effects. Current content from the institute's research is also presented.
The interdisciplinary nature of the seminar is further emphasised by the participation of architecture and civil engineering students.
Lectures and supervision take place on a weekly basis as face-to-face events. Where possible, there will also be an accompanying excursion.
This seminar forms the basis for the subsequent design of a sustainable high-rise building in the following summer semester. All seminar participants are guaranteed a design place in the next semester.
Registration for the seminar takes place via the CAMPUS platform using the module number given above.
As part of the examination, a seminar paper will be written in interdisciplinary group work and presented to the other seminar participants in interim presentations and a final presentation.

Markus Nitzlader
M.Eng.Research Assistant