
All seminars can be found online in ILIAS

Study program ARCHITECTURE

Interested students of the study programs of Civil Engingeering or Real estate engineering and management (IuI) please contact the contact person.

Current seminars

Master's program Architecture - Leichte Flächentragwerke (S_25310)

Master's program Architecture - Fassaden und Gebäudehüllen (S_48330)

Master's program Architecture - Akteur-Netzwerk Theorie (S_48340)

Master's program Architecture - Informationskompetenz Architektur (S_48350)

Bachelor's program Architecture - Akteur-Netzwerk Theorie  (S_49440)

Bachelor's program Architecture - Entwerfen und Leichtbau (S_49440)

Contact Person for Architecture and Civil Engineering

This image shows Christoph Nething

Christoph Nething


Research Assistant

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